Why is it Important to Remove Road Salt From Your Car?
Temperatures are dropping, and as the air cools, the Aurora area is getting equipped for ample snowfall. While snow often coats the world with a blanket of white, allowing for skiing, snowboarding, and other activities, it can also decrease traction and make roads dangerous for driving. One of the general procedures to de-ice roads is salting, which trucks disperse ahead of and during winter storms. Salt lowers the freezing point of water, meaning that it will help snow melt at temperatures lower than 32 degrees.
While this is a beneficial practice to keep drivers safe when braving winter roads, salt can have detrimental effects on your Volkswagen. Corrosion is the most dangerous side-effects from salt, which can speed up the process of rust formation on metal. The undercarriage of your car, which encompasses components such as brakes and transmission, is exposed when you drive through wintry weather meaning that your car, and by extension, your safety, could be at risk.
How Can I Protect My Car From Salt Damage?
Preparation for the winter season is crucial and relatively easy. You’ll want to wash and wax your car in advance with a coating that lasts six to eight weeks. While your Volkswagen’s paint job is generally safe thanks to advanced technology, you might want to opt for a synthetic paint sealant that will last you until the summer months. Springing for an undercoating treatment can further protect your car from the corrosive effects salt can have.
If you are driving on salted roads this winter, the most effective way to protect your Tiguan or Jetta is a thorough wash after a storm. You’ll want to make sure that the undercarriage is cleaned and salt-free, which is best accomplished via a hand wash with an undercarriage spray.
Get Ahead of the Game at Emich VW Near Aurora
Aurora area drivers can schedule an appointment at our service center and have our professionals assist with any and all of your snow-preparation needs. Keeping your VW in good working condition means getting prepared and being proactive after that wintry mix of blizzard blows through.
For more information on the services and treatments we offer, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.
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