Registration for Next Emich Track Day in 2022 Now Open!

July 5th, 2022 by

Emich Track Day April 2022 Photo

Get Ready for the Next Emich Track Day in Colorado

The first Emich Track Day of 2022 was a great time, filled with superb vehicles racing around the exciting High Plains Raceway in Byers, Colorado. If you took part in that event or are looking to experience it for the first time, Emich VW is excited to announce that registration is now open for the second event in 2022! Visit the page that we have set up for the event and get your claim on one of the limited spots we have available for the October 16th Emich Track Day!

Details on the October 16th Emich Track Day

The next Emich Track Day set for October 16th, 2022, will once again be held at High Plains Raceway in Byers, CO. The racetrack has always been one that invites drivers to unleash the full extent of their sporty vehicles. We love going there because of the heart-pounding racing action we enjoy seeing by those who bring their elite sports cars out for the event. If you have been looking for a day to spend with fellow racing enthusiasts in a controlled environment, the Emich Track Day is sure to fit your craving for excitement and speed!

There will be no walk-ins allowed for the event, so you must register in advance to get your spot claimed. When you register for your spot, you can choose between three different packages; morning only, afternoon only or all day!

Register Today for an Exciting Day Full of Racing

The next Emich Track Day is quickly approaching, and we would love to have you join us for a day full of excitement! Visit the Emich Track Day Registration page today and claim your spot for the October 16th event. If you would like to learn more about the upcoming event, we invite you to contact or visit Emich Volkswagen in Denver, CO. We will be happy to provide you with any additional information about what makes our Track Day so special!